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   Revelation Lectures(66)    
   Rev. Jaerock Lee
   Revelation 14:6-10

Revelation 14:6-10

[6] And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;
[7] and he said with a loud voice, "Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters."
[8] And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality."
[9] Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
[10] he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm safely back from the 6th mission trip to Israel.

I missed you so much.

I give thanks to all the members who always support the Israel Mission with all their strength together with prayers and fasting.

The detailed Mission Report will be presented this coming Sunday.

In the beginning of Chapter 14 of Revelation mentions 144,000 bond-servants of God who fulfill their duty during the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

They risk their own lives to preach the gospel under all kinds of tribulations and persecutions during the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

As the 7 Year Great Tribulation comes close toward the end, most of the 144,000 bond-servants have died as martyrs.

I explained that it is not only considered as martyrdom when they are arrested and killed under the persecution and torture of the forces of the antichrist.

Their deaths is considered as martyrdom also when they die of a natural disaster or as a result of war while preaching the gospel.

The reason is that they have a heart that has enough goodness to die as martyrs.

Even under the serious threats and afflictions of the 7 Year Great Tribulation, they don't try to survive just for themselves.

Even though they know beyond doubt that it is life threatening, they courageously preach the gospel.

They have faith strong enough to overcome any kind of torture of the antichrist.

While the 144,000 bond-servants are enjoying the wedding banquet with the Lord after they fulfill their duty on the earth, the 7 Year Great Tribulation comes very close to its end.

Let's take a look what the situation is like when it's close to the end of the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

Revelation 14:6 says, "And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people."

At the moment of this verse, all the evil spirits who had authority over the air have been driven out to the earth.

Therefore, the air has become a region that belongs to God.

During the period of human cultivation, the air, which was given (over to darkness) in the providence of God, has again become the region of light that belongs to God.

Another angel is flying in this air – midheaven in this verse – and this angel has an eternal gospel to preach to everyone regardless of their nation, tribe, and tongue.

Dear brothers and sisters.

1 Peter 1:24-15 says, "For, "All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls off, but the word of the lord endures forever," and this is the word which was preached to you."

This is the Gospel that leads us to eternal life; it is the word of God which is the truth that never changes.

Since the word of God is the only truth, His word has been fulfilled, is being fulfilled, and shall be in the future.

And when all of us stand at the Judgment, we will be judged according to the word of the truth.

John 12:48 says, "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day."

It means the word that Jesus spoke in this earth, that is the word of God, will judge people.

Then, is there anyone who will say on the Last Judgment Day, "I didn't believe because I didn't hear the gospel"?

No, there will not...

God has given an opportunity to hear the gospel to those who live in this earth.

God also gives an opportunity during the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

The problem is that people don't take the opportunity.

In fact, when it's close to the end of the 7 Year Great Tribulation, there is almost no one who hasn't heard the gospel.

They had many chances to hear the gospel even before the Rapture.

And throughout the Rapture, the whole world meets with another chance to hear the gospel.

It was because of the Rapture, which was once considered the fiction-like story of Christians, became a reality as the people of the world watched.

The people became interested in the Gospel, Jesus Christ, the Judgment, heaven, and hell.

During the 7 Year Great Tribulation, the 144,000 bondservants of God preach the gospel around the globe.

Moreover, there appear the two witnesses who manifest the amazing power of God.

Likewise, they encounter many chances of hearing the gospel. However, there are few who seize the opportunity.

They rather ally themselves with the antichrist for the sake of their lives and benefits that were laid before them.

Therefore, when they stand before Throne on the Last Judgment Day, there will be no one who can make the excuse, "I didn't have faith because I didn't hear the gospel."

Of course, there are the exceptions of those who receive Judgment of Conscience.

It is in this way that God presents the gospel to everyone, and He uses it as a standard of His judgment on the Last Day.

Now, Revelation 14:7 says, "and he said with a loud voice, "Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.""

Dear brothers and sisters.

Do you fear (have a reverent respect for) God?

Or, is it that you don't fear God at all?

Actually, you must fear God to some degree.

And, what matters is what kind of fear you have.

There are three kinds of fearing God.

First, people fear God because they have a conscience, even though they don't believe in God.

Deep in their human natures the people of this category admit that God does exist.

However they may say outwardly say, "I don't feel that God really exists," chances are that they have fear in a corner of the heart, thinking, "What if God does exist?"

It's obvious when we see them nervous and fearful when they commit sin, or if they do something evil which can make them feel ashamed.

The second is the case of those who do believe in God and they fear God because they don't live by the word of God and commit sin.

They've heard of God, and they've learned the existence of heaven and hell.

They all know they should live by the word.

However, they don't live by the word but live in the darkness; and this is why they are fearful in their hearts.

In this case, we can say that they have faith even if only a little.

Since they have faith, when they commit sin and live in the darkness, they fear God.

If those who say they believe in God but continuously live in sin and darkness, and if they don't have fear of God as well, it means that they don't have faith even as small as a mustard seed.

Chances are that their consciences are seared, or that they stand against God.

Lastly, those who believe firmly in God will fear God in their hearts with reverent respect.

Of course, their fear is somewhat different from the two previous cases.

As said, it is the fear in which they respect God.

They fear God because they know God who is majestic, omnipotent, and omniscient.

Even when we love God very much, we must have this kind of fear for God.

Because of this fear, we don't commit sin, and we try harder to be sanctified all the more.

Because of this fear, we cannot become arrogant, and we cannot forget His grace.

Of course, if you delve into deeper levels of spirit, there is a level where there is no more fear of God.

However, even if you reach this level, you will never have any rudeness before God; you will never cross the line of loving respect.

You will rather rely on God all the more, and you will give glory only to God.

Just as 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God," your life will the one for God's glory.

Now, among the three categories of fear of God, which category do you fall into?

In the Lord, you may fear God because you committed sin, but on the other hand, you may fear God because you respect God and love God.

It is so because you believe there will surely be a judgment.

Now, in tonight's scripture, an angel flying in midheaven says, "because the hour of His judgment has come," and proclaims that the Judgment is around the corner.

Here, 'the hour of His judgment' indicates three different 'hours'.

First, for the unbelievers or for those who don't have faith sufficient to bring them to salvation even if they accepted the Lord, the moment of their death is the hour for God's Judgment.

It is because they are likely to receive the judgment of hell when their spirits are called.

Of course, God gives an opportunity till the end even to those whose current faith cannot guarantee their salvation even though they say they believe.

God wants them to repent and turn back and to receive salvation by disciplining them or making them undergo trials or refinements.

It can be considered, in a broader sense that they receive judgment for their deeds.

There is a fact that you should remember. It is that there is also the love of God who wants them to avoid the worse punishments of the Judgment in the future.

Secondly, the hour of His Judgment indicates the judgment that will come onto this earth during the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

Throughout the Tribulation, the people who are left on this earth pay the price for their deeds.

They pay the precise price according to the justice.

Among those who pay the price according to justice, some of them will reach salvation through Gleaning Salvation.

On the other hand, there are people who do more evil during the 7 Year Great Tribulation so that they will pay the price on the Last Judgment Day.

Thirdly, the hour of His judgment indicates the time after the Lord's Second Advent.

To be more exact, it is the Great White Throne Judgment.

In fact, however, when the 7 Year Great Tribulation comes to an end, it is the last moment for all the judgments.

And an angel is warning that the hour of His final judgment is around the corner in the scripture.

It means that the 7 Year Great Tribulation has almost come to an end.

Dear brothers and sisters.

God is the beginning of everything.

It was God who created this earth, and everything in it, and started the human cultivation.

Therefore, the end of all of these things will be in the will and the providence of God.

Everything will be accomplished and finished without the slightest error in the precise plan of God.

Tonight, the scripture says that God made heaven, and the earth and sea and springs of waters.

You believe this, don't you?

Among the God-believing people, however, there are some who don't believe these facts.

They say the theories and the claims of science are more likely and more persuasive.

What they say is that there are many things they doubt even after they tried to believe the word of God in the Bible.

The reality is that there are Christians who have conflicts between the Bible and science.

However, Manmin members, especially those who heard the Genesis Lecture, don't need to have these conflicts.

That's because the scientific evidences are more likely to prove the word of God now than to refute it.

And moreover, you can believe that the Bible is true because there is the power of God that shows the works of creation.

You must worship only God the Creator.

You should never worship or love an idol, the world, or anything in the world.

God will surely render unto each person according to his deeds on the Last Judgment Day.

Now, Revelation 14:8 says, "And another angel, a second one, followed, saying, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.""

It warns that even the great Babylon will fall.

Spiritually, Babylon refers to the enemy devil and Satan.

It also refers to the forces of the antichrist who are controlled by them.

Therefore, 'the falling of Babylon' refers to the time that was allotted to the enemy devil and Satan is about to end.

In other words, after having fallen to the earth from the air, their final atrocities are about to come to an end.

The fall of the enemy devil and Satan means the collapse of the forces of the antichrist.

It means the unity of many nations is on its way to disruption.

They could unite with others only for their own benefit.

They were not united because they trusted and loved each other.

Therefore, as time goes by, all kinds of attributes of flesh come up to the surface from the inside.

Because of envy, jealousy, ill-feelings, and selfish desires, dispute and dissension riffs occur.

Of course, whenever this problem breaks out, they reach a compromise for the benefit of all, but as time goes by, it's getting increasingly difficult.

Since many nations with unique racial characteristics and cultural differences were united, a small matter will become a big one.

As iron and dust of clay cannot mix, they cannot but become separated from each other.

This is an attribute of the flesh.

For their needs they may appear to cooperate, but soon, because of the heart and evil that they seek for their own benefits, they will all eventually become divided.

In this way the antichrist, whose authority seems to last forever because they seize the control of the whole world, finally walks the way of dissolution.

By the way, tonight's scripture says Babylon – the antichrist - has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality.

It is the antichrist that controls the whole world to stand against God.

'Her immorality' in this verse refers to everything that is against the will of God.

It is everything that stands against God to pursue and accomplish untruth, and that makes things come into enmity with God.

There are two kinds of immorality; one is fleshly immorality, but the more serious and terrible sin is spiritual immorality.

The spiritual immorality is to befriend the world and take the pleasure of the world even after confessing the belief in the Lord.

It is to obey the forces of the darkness who controls the world and not to obey the Lord.

During the 7 Year Great Tribulation, those who are allied and united with the antichrist are the people who partake of this immorality.

Those who drink the wine of passion of the immorality will drink the wine of the anger.

Originally, the wine symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ who gave us life.

The blood of Jesus cleanses our sin, and leads us to eternal life.

But, if people who know this fact and confess that they believe participate in the immorality, the blood of the Lord they drank will become the wine of the anger.

Even though Jesus shed His blood for us, there is nothing they can do to keep from receiving the sentence of the judgment of hell.

Now, Revelation 14:9-10 says, "Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb."

The third angel appears and talks about the Judgment that will come upon those who are left in the earth.

I already told you about the mark of the 666, the Mark of the beast; in the latter 3 and a half years, all men are force to receive this mark of the beast.

Actually, the antichrist drives this plan forward slowly, but when it is in the latter 3 and a half years, the antichrist forces the people of the world to receive the mark.

To receive this mark is to be allied with the antichrist, and it is eventually to stand against God.

The people who receive the mark of the beast will drink the wine of anger.

They will not be saved, but go to hell.

By the way, the scripture says, the wine is 'mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger.'

It means that the judgment will be made without any forgiveness, mercy, or compassion.

It is only the fearful judgment and punishments that awaits those who miss the last and the final opportunity.

The punishment is the torture of fire and brimstone.

By the way, the scripture says they will be tormented 'in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.'

While people are living in this earth, there are angels that watch the deeds of each one regardless they are believers or not.

But for those God-believing people, God assigns another angel and makes the angel help His child.

Like this, the angels assigned to each person record everything the people do while living in the earth.

They record everything; from words and behaviors and to heart and thought of his mind.

And this record will be used as a standard in the Last Judgment.

In Matthew 12:36, Jesus says, "But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment."

The angel who recorded the individual's every action as well as his mind and thought becomes the judge on the Final Judgment Day.

If someone says, "I didn't do such a thing," then, this angel will show what he recorded as evidence

Therefore, no one can make an excuse or tell a lie.

Furthermore, our Lord the Lamb also becomes a standard on the Judgment Day.

All His words that He taught in the earth and all the deeds that He did to become an example will become a standard of judgment.

If someone is recorded in the words and deeds of the Lord as one who lived in sin and the darkness even when he confessed he believed, he wouldn't be able to say anything.

Likewise, the judgment will be made before the holy angels and the Lord, and the punishment of fire and brimstone will be decided.

The pain doesn't take a rest forever.

On the other hand, there are people who will enjoy glory and authority forever.

We will look into the judgment that will decide whether it will be eternal torment or eternal happiness.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

There was a popular saying that goes, "A decision made in a moment can determine the remainder of your life."

People always face a moment of decision.

When they make a wrong decision, it may be irrevocable, but they may recover from it at the next moment of decision.

However, once a person makes a wrong decision many of them make another wrong decision in recovering from their situation.

Or they may abandon themselves to despair.

But, God never gives up until the end.

You can confirm such a heart of God when you see how God is accomplishing His providence for Israel through this church.

And, such love of God can also be found during the 7 Year Great Tribulation.

God doesn't neglect and give up on the people just because they were not caught up in the air and left on the earth.

Even though the Holy Spirit is taken away, God always gives them the opportunity of grace.

He keeps the door open for salvation until the last and very last moment.

What about in this generation of grace?

He widely opens the door to New Jerusalem, not only the door of salvation.

Now, at this moment, what kind of decision are you deciding to make?

Whenever you make a decision, please make sure whether it is a way to move toward New Jerusalem or if it is a way of stepping back.

May every step you make be toward New Jerusalem, in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray!


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